Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Who Thought Of The Alphabet Firtst ?

Before the alphabet came into existence people communicated their ideas by pictures. Picture writing was highly developed by the ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Babylonians. With the passage of time this picture witting was modified into idea writing by using various symbols. Egyptians were the first to make up kind of alphabet by adding certain signs along with pictures which stood for separate letters. Later on, people living on the east of Mediterranean found that the same sound and developed an alphabet which came, with certain amendments to Europe. This was Latin alphabet from which came the present day letters.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Who Invented The Airplane?

Gliders were the first flying machines that were introduced during the early nineteenth century. Many experiments were carried out to make them power driven. The first person to make the machine was Prof. Samuel Langley. He made two machines which were driven by steam engines and made successful flights. On 7th October 1903, he tested a full sized flying machine, but it crashed. The first successful attempt was made on 17th December by two brothers named Orville and Wilbur Wright. It was heavier than air machine and was driven by its own power. They made one flight of thirty metres in twelve seconds at kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Who discovered Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a discovery of Chinese of years. It is a kind of medical treatment which involves the insertion of needles at various points on the body. The Taoists believed that the body depends on two opposite states called Yang and Yin, and the imbalance between them caused illness. By using acupuncture the balance between these two states was restored. The length of needles to be inserted ranges between two and twenty five centimeters. They are inserted at one or more points lying along certain line of the body. The practice is still in use and surgery is often performed by acupuncture instead of anaesthetics.